Total Medals Earned: 3,242 (From 665 different games.) Total Medal Score: 51,190 Points
Medals Earned: 2/12 (10/500 points)
Jump on a red platform
Jump on 50 green platforms in a row
Get hit with a missile
Crush 10 objects in one session
Travel over 100m in one session
Stomp 25 times in one session
Crush 50 objects in one session
Jump on 350 green platforms in a row
Jet boost 69 times in one session
Travel 150m from the start without crushing any objects
Jump on 1000 green platforms in a row
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 4/22 (20/430 points)
Enter the First Portal ever opened
Collect your first potion
Die for a cause
Reheal when things get tough
Collect a bomb and use it, over and over and . . . .
Grab some magic and hope it helps you in the long run
Dance with the flames, literally!
Collect an axe and chop 'em down
Defeat your evil twin?
Spam the fire spell with no mercy
Collect the heaviest sword
Find a key and then open its door....Where is it?
Defeat The Damniator . . . if its possible
Collect a Goose and gain the reward
Use magic to win the day...or the night
Max out your stock of life (potions)
Become Level 5 powerful
Become frozen without catching a cold
Defeat the Heaviest Soldier there is!
Defeat Tero in deadly combat
Defeat the Savior in fatal combat
Defeat the Lord in armed combat
Medals Earned: 10/10 (400/400 points)
Get the first kill
Get the murder of girl
Get the first kill by saws
Break the 25 boxes
Shoot 50 bullets
Kill 20 bats
Pass the first 20 levels
Kill 10 spiders
Blow up the 5 barrels of TNT
Pass 30 levels
Medals Earned: 3/14 (25/370 points)
Your fate is sealed.
Racing toward fate.
Your journey is over.
There were no survivors.
Medals Earned: 1/12 (10/200 points)
Get through the second area on the map
Get through the third area on the map
Get through the first area on the map
Get through the fith area on the map
Get through the fourth area on the map
Defeat the final boss without being hit
Defeat the final boss
Medals Earned: 2/7 (100/450 points)
Bounce off enemies 50 times
Make it to the Graveyard
Bounce off enemies 250 times
Bounce off enemies 500 times
Make it to the Green Field
Make it to the Inside Castle
Make it to the Sunrise Castle
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/75 points)
Vinnie went for a swim.
Vinnie basked in the glow.
Vinnie stared into the abyss.
Vinnie appreciated nature.
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/195 points)
Destroy 10 Invaders
Grab 20 body segments
Destroy 50 Invaders
Destroy 100 Invaders
Finish the Easy Game
Finish the Normal Game
Medals Earned: 1/10 (25/430 points)
Catch a fruit before it hits the ground
Get rank F
Get rank E
Get rank D
Get rank C
Get rank B
Get rank A
Get rank S
Unlock all upgrades in a single game
Reach first place in the daily scoreboard
Medals Earned: 16/33 (160/330 points)
Find the Mexican Hero "EL Chapulín colorado"
Find the skeleton Trump
Trump is full of crap
Find Trump shitting again
Choose Donald on Debate
Choose Kanye West on debate
Find El Chapo
Watch Fucks News
Find the shooting wall
Find Hitler Trump
Choose the Trump´s trophie wife
Find Mister Universe
Find the Chinesse Trump
Respect all religions, find Trump on Airport
Find the Wall
Find the Trump on fire
The creation of Donald
Find the cactus
choose chauvinist pig
Fight mortal kombat
Find Zombie Trump
Help the eagle desk
Let Freddy Krueger take care of the Donald
Find Donald McDonald Trump
Find the Homeless Trump
Let Jason Voorhees take care of the Donald
Find the Republican Party
Find the Charro Trump
Find Trans Trump
Let the money rain for Duck Trump
Find what´s under Trump hair
Throw Donald Trump into the Volcano
Choose woman right