
lwyzlwyz's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 3,242 (From 665 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 51,190 Points


Medals Earned: 4/20 (20/500 points)

Skull 5 Points

Level 3 cleared

SkullTree 5 Points

Level 2 cleared

XmasSkull 5 Points

Level 4 cleared

XmasSurprise 5 Points

Level 1 cleared

TripleSurprise 5 Points

Level 5 cleared

BagOfSkulls 10 Points

Level 7 cleared

BoneTree 10 Points

Level 10 cleared

Brain 10 Points

Level 8 cleared

GraveStone 10 Points

Level 9 cleared

XmasJack 10 Points

Level 6 cleared

PresentBarrier 25 Points

Level 15 cleared

SantasBall 25 Points

Level 14 cleared

Stars 25 Points

Level 11 cleared

ThornSurprise 25 Points

Level 13 cleared

XmasBomb 25 Points

Level 12 cleared

BadSnowman 50 Points

Level 16 cleared

BloodyHand 50 Points

Level 17 cleared

BurningBullet 50 Points

Level 18 cleared

XmasTime 50 Points

Level 19 cleared

SantasHead 100 Points

All levels cleared

Yeah Jam Fury

Medals Earned: 4/32 (30/500 points)

Footing FOUND 5 Points

Beat "Find Your Footing" firing only one block

Why Couldn't I Transform? 5 Points

Beat all four tutorial stages

"Jawsome!" 10 Points

Get Fury to say "Jawsome" with VFX at max

"Swag." 10 Points

Get Jam to say "Swag" with VFX at max

Breakthrough! 5 Points

Beat "Wall of Face" in 10 seconds or less

Ground Floor 5 Points

Beat "Elevator Shaft" without respawning once

Oops 5 Points

Restart "Mind the Gap"

You Son of a Gun... 5 Points

Beat "Just Grab It"

"Rock a Doodle!" 10 Points

Get Yeah to say "Rock a Doodle" with VFX at max

Did the Easy Stuff! 10 Points

Beat all stages on page one

Found the Lightswitch 10 Points

Beat "Lights Out"

Jammed Window 10 Points

Beat "Windowsill" without firing a block

Loose Noose 10 Points

Beat "Weak Rope" without destroying a single block

Master Fetcher 10 Points

Beat "Fetch Quest 2" without respawning once

Ninja Nonsense 10 Points

Beat "Shenanigans" without respawning once or firing a block

Playin' it Safe 10 Points

Fire 25 blocks in a stage

Playin' it the Right Way 10 Points

Destroy 175 blocks in a stage

Playin' it Wild 10 Points

Boost 50 times in a stage

Spring and a Storm 10 Points

Destroy Mr. Moon in "Space Jam"

Unlocked Cool Clothes! 10 Points

Unlock alternate YJF threads

Worldly Treasures 10 Points

Beat "Willyworld" with 11 blocks in your quota total

You Totally Cheated 10 Points

Beat "Dastardly" without respawning once

Collect Your Feels 25 Points

Have 6 blocks in your quota total on "Steel Feels"

Gettin' Better at This! 25 Points

Beat the record on a stage three times

Jordan Be Proud 25 Points

Beat "Space Jam"

Movin' Right Along 25 Points

Beat all stages on page two

Rainbow Runner 25 Points

Beat "Oh Love"

Oh, It's Just a Flash Game? 50 Points

Beat all stages

Master of the Universe 100 Points

Beat "Oh Love" in 30 seconds or less

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

You Broke the Game

Medals Earned: 4/7 (90/390 points)

Key 5 Points

Put the key on the altar

Apple 10 Points

Put the apple on the altar

Potion 25 Points

Put the potion on the altar

Goblet 50 Points

Put the goblet on the altar

Full Score 100 Points

Collect all the coins and beat the game

Pacifist 100 Points

Beat the game without killing any enemy (level restart is allowed)

Speedrun 100 Points

Beat the game in under 3 minutes

You're a Pioneer

Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/105 points)

Start 5 Points

Get some stone

Finish 100 Points


Zelda the Welder

Medals Earned: 4/4 (70/70 points)

Clock Welder 5 Points

Repair the clock

Robot Welder 10 Points

Repair the robot

Bomb Welder 50 Points

Okay it's disarmed, but I can't just leave it BROKEN

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Zit Storm Beta

Medals Earned: 3/24 (20/315 points)

Nasty 5 Points

10 Zits Popped

Picker 5 Points

Collect 5 bonuses

Juicy 10 Points

100 Zits Popped

Expendable 5 Points

Bought 6 Upgrades

High Stamina 5 Points

Score 60 in Endure Mode

Investor 5 Points

Earned 100 $

Quick Pop 5 Points

Score 30 Zits in Timed Mode

Serial Zitter 5 Points

Score 60 Zits in Limit Mode

Businessman 10 Points

Earned 1000 $

Collector 10 Points

Collect 50 Bonuses

Novice Popper 10 Points

5 minutes of total playtime.

Odds Breaker 10 Points

Score 120 in Endure Mode

Spotty 10 Points

Score 120 Zits in Limit Mode

Upgrade Complete 10 Points

Bought 12 Upgrades

Zit-Fu Master 10 Points

Score 90 Zits in Timed Mode

Addicted 25 Points

1000 Zits Popped

Armed and Ready 25 Points

Bought 18 Upgrades

Bill Zites 25 Points

Earned 5000 $

Expert Zitter 25 Points

30 minutes of total playtime.

Hoarder 25 Points

Collect 200 Bonuses

King Cobra 25 Points

Score 270 Zits in Timed Mode

Time Lord 25 Points

Score 250 in Endure Mode

Zit Pianist 25 Points

Score 180 Zits in Limit Mode

Zombie Cannon Attack!

Medals Earned: 15/30 (115/500 points)

Going green 1 5 Points

Infect 2 citizens in a single game

Going green 2 5 Points

Infect 10 citizens in a single game

Is it a bird? 1 5 Points

Have the cannon shoot your zombie 50 metres (including bounces)

Rot & Roll 1 5 Points

Reach 100 metres in a single run

Such a horder 1 5 Points

Have a zombie horde of at least 5

Travel sick 1 5 Points

Reach 250 metres total in all runs

Travel sick 2 5 Points

Reach 500 metres total in all runs

Travel sick 3 5 Points

Reach 1000 metres total in all runs

Zee spree 1 5 Points

Infect 10 total citizens in all games

Zee spree 2 5 Points

Infect 100 total citizens in all games

Going green 3 10 Points

Infect 50 citizens in a single game

Is it a bird? 2 10 Points

Have the cannon shoot your zombie 60 metres (including bounces)

Rot & Roll 2 10 Points

Reach 200 metres in a single run

Travel sick 4 10 Points

Reach 2000 metres in a single run

Rot & Roll 3 25 Points

Reach 300 metres in a single run

Such a horder 2 5 Points

Have a zombie horde of at least 10

Zee spree 3 5 Points

Infect 250 total citizens in all games

Is it a bird? 3 10 Points

Have the cannon shoot your zombie 70 metres (including bounces)

Is it a bird? 4 10 Points

Have the cannon shoot your zombie 85 metres (including bounces)

Such a horder 3 10 Points

Have a zombie horde of at least 15

Such a horder 4 10 Points

Have a zombie horde of at least 20

Zee spree 4 10 Points

Infect 500 total citizens in all games

Going green 4 25 Points

Infect 100 citizens in a single game

Is it a bird? 5 25 Points

Have the cannon shoot your zombie 100 metres (including bounces)

Such a horder 5 25 Points

Have a zombie horde of at least 25

Travel sick 5 25 Points

Reach 5000 metres total in all runs

Zee spree 5 25 Points

Infect 1000 total citizens in all games

Going green 5 50 Points

Infect 250 citizens in a single game

Rot & Roll 4 50 Points

Reach 500 metres in a single run

Rot & Roll 5 100 Points

Reach 1000 metres in a single run

Zombie Resurrection

Medals Earned: 3/4 (25/50 points)

Dead Giveaway 5 Points

Completed the first level

Halfway There 10 Points

Complete 10 levels

High Five 10 Points

Complete 5 levels

Zombie Resurrector 25 Points

Complete all levels

Zombie Vampire Slayer From The Future

Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/455 points)

Split Shot 5 Points

Find a weapons upgrade

Find An Opening 50 Points

Find an entrance to Dracula's castle

Kill 50 Zombies 50 Points

Kill 50 zombies

Survive Sewer 50 Points

Survive that nasty area with all the junk in it

Collect All Secrets 100 Points

Collect every treasure in the game, including the hidden ones

Defeat Dracula 100 Points

Defeat Dracula

Speed runner 100 Points

Finish the whole game in under 3 minutes!

Zombies In Your Backyard

Medals Earned: 8/10 (270/325 points)

Can't wait to kill? 5 Points

Kill a zombie in the menu.

I wish that I could fly! 5 Points

Jump 10 times.

Caring for the little things in life... 10 Points

Kill 10 little zombies.

First half 25 Points

Survive 5 days.

Serial Killer 25 Points

Kill 50 zombies in one game.

Heavy metal! 50 Points

Buy the minigun.

Survivor 50 Points

Survive all 10 days.

Collector 100 Points

Buy all weapons from the shop.

Good choice! 5 Points

Click the Newgrounds-logo to visit Newgrounds.

That good old pistol... 50 Points

Survive until day 5 without buying a weapon from the shop.